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Cahra, international transition management firm

Solidarity, honesty, kindness and performance: these are the values ​​that permeate the CAHRA transition management offer, regularly enriched since its creation in 2009 in order to respond as closely as possible to the operational needs of its French and international clients. An offer deployed in Europe – Italy being the spearhead, after France – as well as in North America, India and China.

Make your transition a success thanks to Cahra managers

Frédéric DORE
Interim manager

Our managers' expertise

CAHRA’s interim managers have a solid experience that gives them the necessary perspective to intervene effectively. As true experts, they actively use their professional experience as well as a managerial “toolbox” to respond to each issue, taking into account the culture and specificities of each organisation. Several key skills structure their missions:

  • Interpersonal intelligence, fuelled by emotional intelligence;
  • Active listening and empathy;
  • The meta-posture or “sidestep”

Have your needs assessed by our experts

The detection meeting offered by our transition management firm aims to gather your expectations, during an in-depth discussion involving the transition manager and the mission director, responsible for supervising the intervention by providing an outside perspective as well as complementary expertise. It is at this stage that the vectors of change are explored – the culture, the women and men of your company, your personal commitment to the transformation…


Need assessment

This very first step gives rise to: At a meeting to detect the needs expressed by the principal (as indicated previously); At a feedback meeting, in order to share a first managerial action plan, which will be refined when the transition manager has started the mission.


Setting up the resources necessary for the transition

It is at this stage that: The alliance with the client and communication with the teams Diagnosis of the changes to be made, followed by a detailed action plan Identifying natural leaders Quick Wins, to demonstrate changes that can be made very quickly Liberation from limiting beliefs Working with interfaces  


Monitoring changes and results

For a lasting transformation, two mechanisms are essential: Reporting, to measure the action, the progress of the action plan, the performance of the action as well as the ability to sustain it over time The end-of-mission report, which verifies that the teams have taken ownership of the change

Satisfied customers

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    Pour connaître et exercer vos droits, consultez notre politique de confidentialité.

    *Champs obligatoires

    Vous souhaitez devenir manager de transition ? Vous pouvez nous adresser votre candidature par ce lien.

    Why Cahra ?

    The very name of CAHRA testifies to the difference and added value of our transition management firm. Indeed, the carat is an international reference value; we added the H of the Human being, because it is at the heart of our concerns, as much as it is the key to successful transformations. Our credo is both simple and ambitious, elementary and subtle to implement: carry out the transformation from what already exists, with the women and men of the company and in successive “touches” – without rushing the system. CAHRA works mainly in SMEs, ETIs and group subsidiaries (industry, services, distribution) but also for organizations, associations or public service delegations. The firm specializing in transition management CAHRA is present in France in Bordeaux, Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Paris, Reims, Rennes, Strasbourg and Toulouse. It is also present in Italy, in Milan.